

Ok, Ok Everyone

Let me tell you people, what's going on here, I'll be honest, I've been trying to start this new blog and project, but I've had some trouble creating the menu, and categories how I want. And honestly I'm kind of afraid of start editing the HTML code and stuff, so I will ask for help with a friend of mine, and clear my obstacles. 

But, who cares, let's start publishing what this is supposed to be, for now it doesn't matter my super menu that I still don't have. We will pretend ¿right?
I'm sorry for the late publishing, but believe me I'll fix this and make it happen. Really really thank you for being here and reading, Oh, and if you can help me with the menu, thank you I'll appreciate it, or any blog or web page you know where I could find some helpfull info. 

That's what this is about anyway, your opinion, your perspective. 20s Perspective !!

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