

Angel de María, the power of social networks

We are young, and we are not very interested in daily news. It depends on what type of pages you use, or your social networks. Those are better and easy ways to be updated.

If you are not the kind of people who watch TV for the news or then you’re driving instead of information you look up for music, well then you are just like me.

These are one of the most powerful media, easy known and faster. The best option to be update in an easy way.

But today I want to talk a bit of the case from Angel de Maria, a 23 year old Mexican teacher, who wanted to go to a World Youth Day, a religious journey at Brasil.  Her first obstacle appeared when she noticed she had forgotten her passport. She went back to Mexico and the airline had lost her luggage.

Angel de María made the report of that loss. A moment next someone from the Airport called her and said they had already found her bag. She went and noticed it wasn´t her bag, they had made a mistake. Besides that they insisted, and found 10 kilograms of cocaine which obviously wasn’t hers, but people in charge at the airport still accused her.  

#LiberADMe, that was the hash tag used for support her and to make this a public matter and it went through every social network to help her case.

This movement went so strong that after three days she was released and with everyone helping and caring for her. The government, media and people. She is free now.

Angel de Maria gave a speech with the media and expressed her feelings and how thankful she was for all the support and help that she received, saying also that God never left her side. Her faith also helped her trough those tough days.

How strong internet and social networks are? Just a comment, hash tag, a picture can make a difference. In this case internet helped her reach justice, in my opinion nothing is impossible this days with internet.   

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