

We are all drinking tonight, but who's going to drive ?

It has been crazy this week, and the last month. I must admit that I totally knew that the blog needed some action but I was so worried with some other activities that I had to think about it later. But here I am at 20sPerspective to tell you my opinion and listen or read yours…

I have some new topics like the average college students that have some experiences you should know, or how any student must survives university, but that comes later.

This article is about something different.
Today my brother listened to some of the hardest type of news.
One of his classmates and friends died 2 days ago, and because of school and work, he knew about it today. It was all over the news and I didn´t know it was her.

When I noticed my brother and what had just happened, I couldn’t stop thinking about the most common thoughts: Life is short, life is unexpected, and we cannot control it as we think.

There are many risks and many situations that we cannot have under control all the time. However, in my case the most important thing is to control what depends of you. Of course death is something so rough.. It’s not something to change one day and choose the next. But we can do our best to avoid accidents or prevent them.

This girl and her two friends, died in the accident at 4:00 a.m. the driver who had been drinking got out with no harm, he was the only survivor. The worst, it wasn’t an accident that involves someone else’s car but only them. They crashed against a wall. This destroyed the car, and their lives.

I am not saying you or we shouldn’t drink, we’re young and we are part of that society that wants to have fun, enjoy the moment, live and making mistakes is a part of it. But I’m saying: Take care, be careful. If you’re drinking do not drive. There are so many ways to avoid it.

Is it worth it? Taking those risks? Getting in jeopardy someone’s life or yours? It is really bad, hard, and complicated to live with that kind of guilt plus the pain of those memories. However, it is harder to live without that person in your life.

Next part of this article are some facts that might surprise you or concern you. We think these cases cannot take us, “That ain’t my case” But maybe our friend’s or someone we know.

This time it took the life of my brother’s friend and classmate.
 Be smart and live without this kind of risks, think about the consequences of driving under the control of alcohol and not yourself.

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